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Digitizing the past. Advanced methods for documenting the cultural heritage (2023Z) - gr. 1

Informacje ogólne

Szybkie odświeżanie

Kod przedmiotu 4001-DIPAST-OG
Nazwa przedmiotu Digitizing the past. Advanced methods for documenting the cultural heritage
Język wykładowy angielski
Cykl dydaktyczny Semestr zimowy 2023/24
Typ zajęć Konwersatorium
Liczba godzin 30
Punkty ECTS 3
Prowadzący dr Piotr Zakrzewski, dr Paweł Lech
Miejsce Lokale - Prosta 69, Warszawa (Wola), ul. Prosta 69, sala 08.12 [pokaż na mapie]
Termin Poniedziałek 16:45-18:15
Koszt 30 żetonów typu OG
Liczba miejsc (zarejestrowani/limit) 14/16

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Krótki opis

The subject of the course is advanced documentation methods belonging to a relatively new and currently widely developed and popular specialisation among many researchers - digital archaeology. Digital archaeology generally involves the implementation of modern technologies and tools in field and laboratory research to increase the accuracy and quantity of information while speeding up data collection.

Tryb rozliczania przedmiotu

Zaliczenie na ocenę

Pełny opis

The classes are devoted to introduce students to the methods, instruments and issues of a broad specialisation of the field of archaeology - digital archaeology. They are an extended version of previous classes, enriched with new experiences of the lecturers.

Modern tools (e.g. laser theodolite, GPS RTK, VR goggles, etc.) and documentation methods (photogrammetry, 3d visualisation, GIS, RTI, etc.) used in archaeological and conservation work will be presented and discussed. Also, new trends in the methodology and new branches of archaeology will be discussed (application of WEBGIS and so-called Archaeogaming). Based on examples, the broad possibilities of their application will be discussed, as well as the limitations depending on varying factors. This will be supplemented by a description of the author's own experiences and a number of practical comments and tips. The scope of the course will also include issues concerning digital methods and forms of presentation and publication of scientific research results.

The format of the seminar will allow for the exchange of current comments and questions on how to appropriately apply the above methodology, as well as providing students with the opportunity to independently apply the acquired knowledge and skills to conduct advanced digital documentation of real objects.


Marsh, Z. 2020. Digital Archaeology: Current Techniques and Applications

Hemker, C., Lobinger, C. Unger, J. et al. 2020. Virtual archaeology. Making the invisible visible. Recommendations and strategies in the application of 3D digitisation and visualisation of archaeological heritage.

Graham, S., Gupta, N., Smith, J. et al. 2020. The Open Digital Archaeology Textbook.

Walcek Averett, E. 2016. Mobilizing the Past for a Digital Future: The Potential of Digital Archaeology.

Daly, P., Evans, T.L. 2006. Digital Archaeology: Bridging Method and Theory, Oxon.

Madry, S. 2021, Introduction to QGIS: Open Source Geographic Information