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English for Research Publications – ZIP (2020L) - gr. 4

Informacje ogólne

Szybkie odświeżanie

Kod przedmiotu 0508-ERP-OG-ZIP
Nazwa przedmiotu English for Research Publications – ZIP
Język wykładowy angielski
Cykl dydaktyczny Semestr letni 2020/21
Typ zajęć Warsztaty
Liczba godzin 30
Punkty ECTS 3
Prowadzący dr Agnieszka Kałdonek-Crnjaković, mgr Karolina Czopek
Koszt 30 żetonów typu OG-ZIP-D
Liczba miejsc (zarejestrowani/limit) 15/15

Strona przedmiotu w USOSweb

Krótki opis

The course of English for Research Publications is intended to help participants to use available language resources for their academic development in the most effective way, on the basis of bespoke training materials prepared by employees and doctoral students of the Institute of English Studies. Each module of the course examines a specific area of academic competences, with reference to particular elements of a scientific publication (an abstract, an introduction, research description, discussion).

Form of the classes: an internet, asynchronous course, with interactive Moodle practice and an element of face-to-face communication.

Tryb rozliczania przedmiotu


Pełny opis

The course of English for Research Publications aims to help participants to use available language resources for their academic development in the most effective way, on the basis of bespoke training materials prepared by employees and doctoral students of the Institute of English Studies. The course will look at professional vocabulary, grammatical structures, and expressions typically found in scientific publications. The ability to formulate arguments concisely and clearly, and to adapt the text to the requirements of a specific publisher or formatting style will be emphasised.

ERP has been designed as an internet, asynchronous sequence of five teaching modules, with interactive Moodle practice and an element of face-to-face communication (a 90-minute feedback session towards the end of the course), based on the discussion of written samples submitted by the participants.

The course is intended for PhD candidates at the University of Warsaw who:

● want to share the results of their research with an international audience using English;

● want to develop and improve the ability to write in English for academic purposes;

● want to learn about and understand the requirements of prestigious English-language scientific journals, and how to adapt their texts accordingly.

Participants of the English for Research Publications course will learn about:

● how to adapt their text to the needs of a specific recipient, including a specific journal with its editorial requirements;

● how to structure their texts in a clear and reader-friendly way to meet the requirements of English-language publishers;

● what grammatical structures, phrases and words to use in an academic text to present the results of their work succinctly and according to the norms of the international scientific community.

Classes are offered as part of the Integrated Development Programme of the University of Warsaw (ZIP), co-financed from the European Social Fund under POWER 3.5. The rules for the use of general university courses for PhD students within the ZIP framework (UW PhD Students' Regulations) are available at:

Publishing in English is vital in today’s academic world. Specialist academic English has its own rules, and their correct application is often the key to the dynamic development of the professional career of research workers both at home and abroad. In response to this demand, members of the Institute of English Studies at the Faculty of Modern Languages have prepared an online course that will assist our University colleagues in promoting their research internationally. The course aims to help participants effectively use available language resources for their scholarly development. The course of English for Research Publications is addressed to those and PhD candidates who want to improve their academic writing skills with a view to eventually sharing the results of their research work in English with an international audience. They will also learn how to present the results of their work succinctly and according to the current conventions of academic journals.

The course is designed and offered by the staff and doctoral students of the Institute of English Studies, who specialize in teaching academic English for research purposes.


excerpts of scientific publications for analysis, teaching materials designed or adapted to meet the needs of course participants

Dodatkowa informacja

Terminy odbywania zajęć course start date: 07.04.2021 course end date: 19.07.2021 Miejsce odbywania zajęć Moodle, Zoom