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Effective Reading and Summary Writing in English – ZIP (2020L) - gr. 1

Informacje ogólne

Szybkie odświeżanie

Kod przedmiotu 0508-ERSWE-OG-ZIP
Nazwa przedmiotu Effective Reading and Summary Writing in English – ZIP
Język wykładowy angielski
Cykl dydaktyczny Semestr letni 2020/21
Typ zajęć Warsztaty
Liczba godzin 30
Punkty ECTS 3
Prowadzący mgr Ewa Górczyńska
Termin Czwartek 17:00-18:30
Koszt 30 żetonów typu OG-ZIP-D
Liczba miejsc (zarejestrowani/limit) 11/12

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Krótki opis

This course is intended to develop doctoral students’ skills necessary for effective reading and summary writing by providing information on reading strategies as well as rules for writing outlines and summaries. It gives the participants practical opportunities to analyse academic texts, develop their vocabulary and prepare summaries.

Tryb rozliczania przedmiotu

Zaliczenie na ocenę

Pełny opis

Classes are offered as part of the Integrated Action Programme for the Development of the University of Warsaw, co-financed from the European Social Fund under POWER 3.5. The rules for the use of general university courses for PhD students in the ZIP (UW PhD Students' Regulations) are available at:

This course is addressed to PhD students who want to improve their reading and writing skills, especially in the area of identifying the most relevant fragments of academic texts, paraphrasing the original text, avoiding plagiarism and preparing clear and informative summaries. It aims at providing students with greater confidence in dealing with academic texts and preparing abstracts.

Start Off Module

Effective reading strategies: surveying, skimming, scanning, reading for detail. Introductory information about the nature of summarizing.

Module 1

Recognizing the style and structure; identifying topic sentences. Analyzing the structure of the text, identifying most relevant fragments, rephrasing. Preparing the outline for the summary (assisted).

Module 2

Text analysis, continued. Academic vocabulary development, rephrasing, inferring the meaning from the context. Preparing a summary – filling in the gaps in the summary (assisted).

Module 3

Preparing the outline for the summary - unassisted, analyzing the paragraph structure; avoiding plagiarism.

Module 4

Unassisted summary writing. Presentation and analysis of individual summaries.

Online learning workshop: 29 hours of online asynchronous instruction, One-hour online synchroneous introductory Zoom meeting.

This course aims at developing participants’ skills necessary for effective reading by providing information on reading strategies and, more importantly, summary writing. It familiarizes doctoral students with the rules of writing outlines and summaries. Providing the participants with opportunities to practice analysing academic texts, it develops their paraphrasing skills and gives them the guidelines to write coherent and concise summaries. The course will cover 28 hours of asynchronous online activities and a 2-hour introductory online meeting.


Selected online materials.

French A. & Nicoll P. (2010) Effective Reading. Macmillan.

Hewings, M. (2012). Cambridge Academic English. Cambridge University Press. Effective writing in English. Springer.

Macpherson, R. (2004). English for Academic Purposes. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN

Morley, J. (2014). Academic phrasebank. Manchester: University of Manchester [online]. Available at: http://www.

Sowton, C. (2012). 50 steps to improving your academic writing: study book. Garnet Publishing.

Dodatkowa informacja

Terminy odbywania zajęć 18 March 2021, 17:00 – 18:30: online meeting on Zoom Asynchronous online activities: 1) Module 1: 18th March 2021 – 11th April 2021 2) Module 2: 11th April 2021 – 25th April 2021 3) Module 3: 25th April 2021 – 9th May 2021 4) Module 4: 9th May 2021 – 23rd May 2021 Miejsce odbywania zajęć Zoom, Kampus platform