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English for Presenting & Debating – ZIP (2022L) - gr. 1

Informacje ogólne

Szybkie odświeżanie

Kod przedmiotu 0508-EPD-OG-ZIP
Nazwa przedmiotu English for Presenting & Debating – ZIP
Język wykładowy angielski
Cykl dydaktyczny Semestr letni 2022/23
Typ zajęć Warsztaty
Liczba godzin 30
Punkty ECTS 3
Prowadzący dr Lucyna Krawczyk-Żywko
Termin Poniedziałek 16:45-18:15
Koszt 30 żetonów typu OG-ZIP-D
Liczba miejsc (zarejestrowani/limit) 8/10

Strona przedmiotu w USOSweb

Krótki opis

The course aims to familiarise PhD students with academic speaking, especially in the context of debates and presenting conference papers. They will be examining language functions, practicing debating techniques and presentation skills. Apart from taking part in discussions and roleplaying activities, each student will write a conference proposal and deliver a mock conference presentation.

Tryb rozliczania przedmiotu


Pełny opis

Classes are offered as part of the Integrated Development Programme of the University of Warsaw (ZIP), co-financed from the European Social Fund under POWER 3.5. The rules for the use of general university courses for PhD students within the ZIP framework (UW PhD Students' Regulations) are available at:

The course offers academic speaking practice for PhD students and equips them with linguistic tools particularly relevant in two contexts: debates and conference presentations.

The first part of the course familiarises PhD students with various language functions useful in academic discussions, such as refuting, stalling, or pre-empting; the second part focuses on debating; the third is devoted to practicing conference situations and presentations. The list of topics is given below.

Students take part in shaping the content of the course by choosing the topic of the debate and their presentation, as well as of one of the classes.

Schedule: 15 weekly synchronous classes (90-minute meetings on Zoom) held on Mondays at 16:45-18:15 with additional materials available on the Moodle platform.

Dates of online meetings: 6.03, 13.03, 20.03, 27.03, 3.04, 17.04, 24.04, 8.05, 15.05, 22.05, 29.05, 5.06, 12.06, 19.06, 26.06.

The course fast-tracks you through various conventions and practicalities of academic speaking to develop your debating skills and prepare you to present your first conference paper in English.

Dr Krawczyk-Żywko is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of English Studies. She has been teaching classes on Victorian and neo-Victorian culture, screen adaptations, critical and academic writing and speaking. Remembering what being a PhD student entails, she is ready to lend a helping hand to those who are often being thrown in at the deep end.


Michael Guest. Conferencing and Presentation English for Young Academics. Springer Texts in Education, 2018.

Adrian Wallwork. English for Presentations at International Conferences. Springer Science+Business Media, 2010.

Trainer’s own resources.

Dodatkowa informacja

Terminy odbywania zajęć 15 x 90 min. (Mondays 16:45-18:15): 6.03, 13.03, 20.03, 27.03, 3.04, 17.04, 24.04, 8.05, 15.05, 22.05, 29.05, 5.06, 12.06, 19.06, 26.06. Miejsce odbywania zajęć online via Zoom and the Moodle platform